Thursday, April 15, 2010
RESIDENCY ISSUE: Group puzzled by Comelec inaction on case against Yap
Philippine Daily Inquirer
TAGBILARAN CITY—AN ALLIANCE OF fishermen expressed bewilderment over the delay in the Commission on Elections’ action on the disqualification case it filed against former Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap, who is running unopposed for congressman in Bohol’s third district.
The Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), in the case it filed at the Comelec, said Yap was not qualified to represent Bohol’s third district because he does not reside there.
Pamalakaya said Yap continues to reside in Ortigas, Pasig City, and has never abandoned it as his domicile.
Election requirement
Election laws require candidates for congressmen to be residents of the district they want to represent for at least a year before the elections.
The group said Yap’s case was similar to that of actor Richard Gomez, who was declared by the Comelec’s Second Division not qualified to run for representative in Leyte for not being a resident there.
Pamalakaya said the Comelec has yet to tackle the case against Yap.
“We are puzzled by this development. The disqualification case we filed last March 9 should have been resolved in the soonest possible time or at least one week after we filed the disqualification case against Secretary Yap,” Pamalakaya chair Fernando Hicap said in a statement sent to the Inquirer.
“Is Mr. Yap really untouchable according to political circles in and out of Comelec?” Hicap said.
At least 40 members of Pamalakaya and party-list group Anakpawis trooped to the Comelec national office on Thursday to ask Melo and the Comelec commissioners to tackle immediately the disqualification case against Yap.
The group filed a manifestation and motion urging the poll body to set the formal hearing for the disqualification case.
On March 9, the group also filed additional pieces of information before the Comelec to strengthen the disqualification case that the farmers filed against Yap.
The additional pieces of evidence include sworn statements signed by three officials of Barangay Buenavista in Loboc town disputing Yap’s claim that he was a resident of the far-flung barangay as he declared in his certificate of candidacy.
House on rough road
The supplemental information, which carried the signatures of former Barangay Buenavista secretary Corbino Cuhit, incumbent barangay councilor Basilio Balog and resident Mateo Ratonel, brother of incumbent barangay councilor Boy Ratonel, maintained that Yap has never been a resident of the barangay and that he just arrived in Buenavista at the start of the election season.
The three said the house and the address referred to by Yap as his official domicile in Buenavista, Loboc, was located in an area that was not passable by any motorized vehicle, except motorcycles, due to its rough roads and mountainous curves.
Pamalakaya maintained that Yap could not even speak the language of Boholanos. The group also said the former agriculture secretary and his family continue to stay in Metro Manila and that, in the concept of domicile under election laws, is at Alexandra Residence in Pasig City.
“His visits in Bohol are infrequent, short and transient,” Pamalakaya said.
Pamalakaya also cited the cases they filed against Yap in connection with the P455 million overpriced ice-making machines and the P7.14 billion in agriculture funds cited by the Commission on Audit in its 2008 report as missing, diverted or misspent.
“We filed this case not to spoil the political ambition of Secretary Yap. We filed this case because we want truth and justice to prevail over the narrow interest of the new breed of traditional and corrupt politicians,” the fisherman’s group added.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Erico-Cajes "war" erupts
The Bohol Chronicle
The simmering animosity of two longtime allies finally exploded as Gov. Erico Aumentado and Second District Rep. Roberto Cajes lashed at each other with accusations of corruption and collusion with contractors to clinch local projects.
Aumentado took on the solon during his weekly media forum, "The Governor Reports" on Friday, blasting Cajes for allegedly benefiting from infrastructure projects through "favored contractors".
Cajes shot back yesterday challenging the governor to cull records from the Commission on Audit (COA) and compare how much of congressional "pork barrel" allocations were actually utilized and poured into the second district during each of their three terms as congressman.
Cajes unleashed his own offensive by citing the governor's failure to implement decent infrastructure projects in his nine years as congressman. "Aumentado is besieged with accusations of corruption since he was a congressman and up to this time that he is governor. No matter how hard he tries to project himself as a serious crusader against graft, people won't believe him," Cajes stressed.
Highly-placed sources revealed to the Chronicle that there have been at least two reconciliatory meetings brokered by the administration party's national executive committee between Aumentado and Cajes in Manila.
But the recent exchange of tirades between the governor and the solon may have flushed out chances of unifying once again the province's Lakas-Kampi-CMD stalwarts, the sources said.
The word war was triggered when Cajes declared in an interview over "Inyong Alagad" program of Station dyRD that the reinstatement of the governor's Certificate of Nomination and Acceptance (Cona) as Lakas-Kampi official congressional bet in the second district was just a "consuelo de bobo".
Aumentado is projecting his bid to reclaim his old Congress seat as "a crusade to wipe out widespread corruption" prevailing in the second district.
The governor accused Cajes of giving preference to non-Boholano contractors to the dismay of the Bohol Builders and Contractors Association.
Aumentado said local contractors met with him Thursday to air their sentiments and that they find bids being rigged in favor of contractors outside Bohol.
"Local builders feel they are discriminated over non-local bidders no matter how qualified they are to undertake the projects in the district even if they strictly adhere to requirements of the bidding process," the governor bared.
He divulged that "the most influential official in the second district" is "using his influence" to corner most of the contracts for bidders not from Bohol.
Local builders purportedly told the governor that contractors from Cebu and Leyte are favored despite having observed their slow operations.
Aumentado likewise denounced the congressman's alleged connection to a "dummy-contractor" which has been awarded infrastructure projects in the district.
"This is shameful and I could not turn my back on something that has to be stopped.
My candidacy is also a campaign to stomp out corruption in the second district," he stressed.
Cajes turned the tables on Aumentado saying it was the latter who brought in foreign contractors.
"He is accusing me now of what he was doing then. Who invited Hanjin and other Korean and Chinese contractors here?" Cajes asked.
The solon said the present situation is more favorable to local builders who can compete freely in bidding for projects, Cajes added.
Cajes explained that congressmen could not control the bidding process as it is open and competitive.
Reacting to the governor's insinuation of a "dummy contractor" that is closely associated to the solon, Cajes retorted that the governor knows that the owner of the batching plant being alluded to, is the latter's "kumpare".
"In fact, many people know the governor himself has given favors to this 'kumpare' by awarding him several projects. You have more reason to believe that he may be the co-owner of that batching plant, and just laying the blame on me," Cajes said.
The governor accused Cajes of wasting government funds by causing the implementation of a P10-million road rehabilitation project in Talibon by overlaying asphalt over a concrete road that is still in good condition.
"Sourced out of the Motor Vehicle User's Charge (MVUC), the P10-million funding is shamefully wasted," Aumentado stressed.
He added that the asphalt overlay only covered 1,350 meters with a 6.10 meter width, and yet it costs P10-million.
"I have been informed that the asphalt is of substandard quality and awarded to a contractor that has no Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)," Aumentado disclosed.
"Why award it to a contractor that has not complied with government regulations? This project reeks of under the table arrangements," he added.
But Cajes shrugged off the issue saying the asphalt overlay is a national highway maintenance project and not sourced out of his PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund).
"Only DPWH can decide on what to do with that MVUC funding. My PDAF are utilized for barangay and municipal projects," he justified.
According to the solon, he was responsible for the re-blocking of portions of the governor's circumferential road project out of his PDAF.
Aumentado presented to media farm-to-market road projects funded by the Department of Agriculture (DA) for the whole year of 2009 intended for the second district.
A total of 43 road rehabilitation and construction projects all went to the town of Trinidad, the hometown of Cajes.
"Trinidad is not the second district, but all farm-to-market road projects under the DA went to that single town," he pointed out.
The governor also disclosed that provincial environment and natural resources officer (PENRO) Nestor Canda was allegedly "pressured" by Cajes to implement a P15-million upland development project funded by the DENR to the town of Trinidad.
However, Canda refused as the amount was intended to be distributed in the entire province and not just for one town, according to the governor.
Defending himself against the allegation, Cajes said that if the governor believes he has done something illegal, then he should file a formal complaint in the proper forum.
"Nobody has ever sought an investigation against me until now that I am going to end my full three terms," Cajes said.
"I challenge him to account for his pork barrel funds and where it ended up as we do not see major projects during his three terms as the congressman of the second district," Cajes said.
A louder cry to save the tarsiers
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 22:01:00 01/08/2010
SAVE THE TARSIER” has become the battle cry of environmentalists in Bohol.
The Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta), which is endemic to the forests of Bohol and extremely territorial, is being threatened to extinction by poachers, hunters and even wild predatory animals.
As conservationists struggle to protect the shy, cuddly little creatures that have been around for 45 million years, a booming local tourism industry has been unkind to its lot.
For almost a decade now, business establishments thriving along Bohol’s tourism corridor have opened up tarsier viewing spots as an added attraction to the island’s world-renowned tourist destinations—the Chocolate Hills, ecotourism adventure parks, beach resorts and the Loboc River cruise.
Snatched from the wild, the tarsiers are kept in cages for easy tourist viewing.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) regulates businesses in possession of tarsiers since the animals were classified as threatened species.
“[But] DENR permits, such as the Certificate of Wildlife Registration (CWR), are issued to those holding tarsiers in captivity without going through a stringent process of verification,” says lawyer Raul Barbarona of the Environmental Legal Assistance Center (Elac).
A person or entity can operate a tarsier viewing business even without complying with guidelines contained in the CWR, such as proof of financial and technical capability and the presence of a facility to maintain the wildlife.
At least nine business establishments have been allowed by the DENR to possess tarsiers, mostly in the town of Loboc.
Tarsiers are nocturnal animals and should not be disturbed during daytime. The tarsier has one of the slowest fetal growth rates among mammals, taking six months to reach a birth weight of 23 grams.
Based on scientific studies, the primates commit suicide in captivity due to trauma from stress caused by human touching and loud noise.
Tarsier behavior and activities have been filmed by international documentary networks, such as National Geographic Channel and British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC)—proofs that the animal has become one of the country’s signature tourism mascots.
Carlito Pizarras, field supervisor of the Philippine Tarsier Foundation Inc. (PTFI), recalled that in the 1960s, there were so many tarsiers that he could easily spot a handful by simply looking around.
As a young boy, Pizarras used to catch tarsiers for his father, a taxidermist. They stuffed tarsiers and sold them to tourists. Demand for tarsiers grew among collectors and even scientists who used them for experiments.
For his skill in catching tarsiers, Pizarras became popular in his hometown of Corella. But his lifelong relationship with the tiny creatures earned him the moniker “Tarsier Man.”
He estimates the current number of tarsiers at 1,000.
Concerned with the dwindling figure, Carlito started working for tarsier protection. He collaborated with the PTFI, a nonstock, nonprofit organization, which put up an 8-hectare tarsier sanctuary in Corella.
With the help of the DENR, the PTFI center slowly expanded to cover 167 ha in the three municipalities of Corella, Sikatuna and Loboc.
Display ban
In February last year, the provincial board passed an ordinance prohibiting the possession of tarsiers for commercial use. The law mandated that all individuals and entities holding the tarsiers in captivity should turn these over to the PTFI sanctuary.
It was a landmark legislation that received praises from international wildlife charity group Born Free Foundation of the United Kingdom.
Yet, for almost a year now, business operators continue to display the animals in clear violation of the ordinance. They merely obtained wildlife registration permits from the DENR.
Government inaction on the commercial display of the tarsiers has caught public attention repeatedly.
Barbarona is urging the DENR to review its wildlife permits. “Since the issuance of the permits is legally binding on the part of the permittees, there should be a legal process for its revocation based on documented violations,” he says.
The environmental lawyer maintains that the DENR should check whether establishments holding tarsiers captive are observing the guidelines contained in the permits, such as technical capabilities.
Insensitive tourists
He cited one instance when a Cebu-based tour guide allowed his guests to poke and force-feed the tarsiers in one establishment in Loboc. One tourist caught it on video and uploaded in YouTube, generating hundreds of hits in a matter of days.
As a result of the online report, Bohol’s tourism industry suffered a big blow.
Barbarona received other reports that tourists at tarsier viewing sites in Loboc, despite warning signs, insisted on holding the primates and even used camera flashes for close-up souvenir shots with them.
Instead of correcting and monitoring these incidents, the DENR “seems to be paying no attention to this unrestrained abuse,” Barbarona said.
For his part, provincial board member Alfonso Damalerio II, principal author of the tarsier ordinance, called anew for the seizure of all commercially held tarsiers and turn them over to the PTFI.
Damalerio noted that the law had remained inutile as the provincial executive department had yet to issue its implementing rules and regulations.
Loboc municipal officials are against the closure of the tarsier viewing sites, saying these draw more tourists and offered an added attraction of the river cruise.
But the tarsier sanctuary is open to guests and tourists who are allowed to view the animals in their natural habitat with trained forest guides.
Groups ask Yap to quit Cabinet, House run, face plunder rap
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 22:21:00 01/09/2010
Graft & Corruption, Government, Agriculture, Protest, Eleksyon 2010, Elections
TAGBILARAN CITY, Philippines—Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap was told by militant groups on Saturday to resign from his Cabinet post and abandon his bid for a Congress seat in Bohol following the plunder case filed against him.
The group Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) and Anakpawis party said Yap should resign from the Department of Agriculture and quit from running as candidate in the third district of Bohol because of the plunder case filed against him and 14 others over the purchase of P455 million in ice-making machines that were allegedly overpriced.
Yap should “exercise political delicadeza and instead focus on his defense against the plunder complaint and other criminal and administrative charges filed against him before the Office of the Ombudsman,” Pamalakaya national chair Fernando Hicap and Anakpawis secretary general Cherry Clemente said in a joint statement.
“If we are in his shoes we will leave the agriculture portfolio and drop the dream of becoming a lawmaker,” their joint statement said.
Last week, leaders of Pamalakaya and Anakpawis Representatives Rafael Mariano and Joel Maglunsod led the filing of a plunder complaint against President Macapagal-Arroyo, Yap and 13 others for the purchase of 98 ice-making machines which they claimed were overpriced by P2.3 million per unit.
Hicap and Clemente asked Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez to immediately place Yap and officials of the National Agribusiness Corp. (Nabcor) under preventive suspension while the Office of the Ombudsman is evaluating the complaint.
Nabcor said all transactions in the purchase of ice-making machines were transparent and above board.
Nabcor spokesperson Kathyrin Pioquinto said the accusations were “without basis, far from the truth and perjurious.”
Pioquinto also said Yap had nothing to do with the process although Nabcor is a government-owned and -controlled corporation attached to the DA.
“Yap is neither an officer nor a director of Nabcor,” Pioquinto said.
However, the militant groups said “the COA findings reveal the exact opposite.”
The militant groups said DA, through Nabcor, awarded a government contract to a lone bidder—the Integrated Refrigeration System and Services (IRSS)—in September 2009 for ice-making units at P4,650,000 per unit, or about P2.3 million higher compared to prevailing industry prices for the ice-making machines.
The government, the complainants said, can obtain 98 units of ice-making machines for P225 million to P230 million, or half of the what the DA spent for them.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Plunder raps against Agriculture Sec. Yap
However, Sec. Yap, who is unchallenged in his bid for Bohol’s third district congressional seat, debunked the charges as “pure harassment” saying he had “no direct participation in whatever capacity” over the purchase which was handled by the National Agribusiness Corporation (Nabcor).
Yap told the Chronicle the charges filed against him is just a publicity stunt fabricated by the militant group who are seeking media mileage to obtain votes needed to clinch sectoral seats in Congress.
The two main complainants of the plunder complaint filed at the Ombudsman on the first working day of 2010 are Anakpawis Partylist Representatives Rafael Mariano and Joel Maglunsod and Pambansang Lakas ng mga Mamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) chair Fernando Hicap and vice chair Salvador France.
Pamalakaya, which provided a copy of its complaint to the Chronicle yesterday, said Pres. Arroyo and Sec. Yap should be held liable for the Department of Agriculture’s procurement of the ice-making machines.
It claimed that in September 2009, Integrated Refrigeration System and Services was awarded a contract to supply 98 ice-making units at P4.6 million a unit—about P2.3 million higher than the prevailing industry price.
Yap dismissed the allegations saying the Nabcor is distinct and separate from the DA. He said the Nabcor is a government owned and controlled corporation with its own officers and board of directors who handle transactions such as the acquisition of the refrigeration equipment.
The agriculture boss and Lakas-Kampi CMD candidate for congressman in the third district said he is optimistic the Ombudsman will drop the charges against him. Other than the absence of his participation in the purchase, the process went through an open competitive bidding, as explained by Nabcor officials.
In an interview with radio station dyRD, Nabcor spokesperson Atty. Kathyrin Pioquinto pointed out that Yap was not even part of the bidding for the 98 ice-making machines which the militant groups alleged to be overpriced by P2.3 million each.
Pioquinto challenged the Pamalakaya to present its evidence in dragging the name of Yap and that of the President in the application of the principle of command responsibility.
DENR asked: Check display of Tarsiers

The continued inaction of government authorities on the commercial display of the Tarsiers again caught public attention as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is urged to review wildlife registration certificates issued to tourism establishments here.
As new reports surface on the maltreatment of caged and captive tarsiers, Environmental Legal Assistance Center (Elac) executive director Raul Barbarona called on the DENR to review all certificates of wildlife farm permits it issued to business establishments especially in the towns of Loboc and Loay.
“Since the issuance of the permits is legally binding on the part of the permittees, then there should be a legal process for its revocation based on documented violations,” Barbarona said.
The DENR should likewise check whether these establishments holding captive tarsiers are observing the guidelines contained in the DENR certifications, such as their technical capabilities to hold captive the threatened species.
After an incident occurred between a tourist and a Cebu-based tour guide who allowed his guests to poke and force-feed the tarsiers in one establishment in Loboc, the issue regarding the permittees’ capability to hold the tarsiers in its possession has died down without any recommendations coming from the DENR.
Barbarona received reports that tourists visiting tarsier viewing sites in Loboc continue to hold the tiny species and even use camera flash when taking pictures within a close distance from the tarsiers.
According to Barbarona, instead of correcting and monitoring these reported incidents, “the DENR seems to be paying no attention on this unrestrained abuse”.
For his part, provincial board member Alfonso Damalerio II, principal author of an ordinance prohibiting the display of tarsiers outside its natural habitat, said the implementation of the provincial measure is already an executive prerogative.
There have been reports that the ordinance remains inutile as the executive has not crafted its implementing rules and regulations.
Barbarona said, the provincial government should check whether the DENR has issued new wildlife farm permits and ensure that compliance with the permit’s guidelines is followed.
Rep. Cajes hits malicious news on road mishap
A story published last Sunday (not in the Chronicle) reported that the incumbent congressman and mayoralty candidate of Trinidad town survived the car crash in barangay Oy, Loboc after his driver lost control of the steering wheel.
The report continued that Rep. Cajes suffered contusions and limped as he got out of the wrecked vehicle after it smashed onto an electric post Friday last week.
The Chronicle reported that the vehicle, registered to Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) national president Jane Censoria Cajes, the solon’s daughter, was driven by one of the family’s personal drivers together with one of the congressman's police escorts who were on their way to Trinidad.
The police security detail was identified as PO2 Dante del Rosario Jr. who escaped unhurt from the road mishap. The solon’s driver, Richard Cerio however suffered injuries and was rushed to a hospital.
A furious Rep. Cajes yesterday challenged those who “concocted the malicious stories to a tennis match, a feat which any injured person could not do”.
“I am in Trinidad right now, and anybody who has doubts can see for themselves whether I am injured or not,” the solon remarked.
A Boholano blog-site over the internet also reported the incident which said that the congressman was critically injured and airlifted to a hospital in Cebu City. The website likewise revealed that several high-powered firearms were recovered from the wrecked vehicle of Cajes.
Based on the account of PO2 Del Rosario, they were on the way to Trinidad town from Tagbilaran City when the driver lost control of the steering wheel after he tried to avoid collision with another vehicle.
Del Rosario said the road was narrow and slippery which made it hard for the driver to maneuver away from the other vehicle.
They rammed into an electrical post at the roadside wrecking the SUV.
‘Tardy’ lawmakers delay SP sessions
For quite some time now, the provincial board has been besieged by tardiness and absenteeism among lawmakers causing its failure to reach a quorum and for sessions to formally commence on time.
Yesterday, in its first session for the year 2010, legislative staff and mediamen who cover the weekly assembly of the provincial lawmaking body could only wait in silent frustration as Vice Gov. Julius Caesar Herrera called a pre-conference with board members who were present minutes before 12 noon.
Legislative aides constantly monitoring if a quorum could be reached for the regular session said “some board members could not report punctually”.
“Old bad habits are simply hard to break,” said one SP staff who observed the perennial delays in holding sessions.
Although Vice Gov. Herrera reported at his office on time (9 a.m.), he could not call the usual pre-conference meeting prior to the session proper due to the absence of several board members.
Some board members were already at the Capitol compound but were attending to appointments with constituents who flocked the legislative offices yesterday.
Even the office of the vice governor was packed with visitors who were waiting to seek audience with Herrera.
With a few months to go before the May 2010 Elections, tardiness and absences is expected to plague SP sessions with four board members running for mayor in their respective hometowns.
The issue of tardiness had been the object of a resolution adopted by the SP on July 2007, as Herrera was obviously irked by late comers among his colleagues. The SP had been the subject of attacks when its sessions, which supposedly starts at 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., are delayed and usually held at 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
In an effort to impose discipline among tardy lawmakers, the SP resolution which in effect changed its House Rules slapped fines of P500 for members who come late on session days after the roll call is made.
However, the continued frequent tardiness and absences of some members indicate that the resolution seeking to apply sanctions against its members is not being enforced.
“Clearly, the sessions are purposely delayed to accommodate board members who still come late,” said an SP staff who refused to be identified.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Carmen mayoralty race takes ugly turn
Reelectionist Mayor Manuel Molina and his challenger Conchita Toribio both made it big in the nation’s capital by establishing their own businesses, but later wanting to go back to their roots and serve the constituents of Carmen.
Mayor Molina yesterday challenged his election opponent to answer the issues concerning her “bigamous marriage” instead of launching an attack against his company.
According to Molina, Toribio should answer directly and explain to the people of said town her true marital status, bigamous marriage and her material representation on her Certificate of Candidacy (CoC), instead of attacking him and his own marital status.
But Toribio retorted saying her life is an open book. “I have nothing to hide and be ashamed of, be it regarding my marriage or my dealings in business,” Toribio told the Chronicle.
In his petition for disqualification filed at the Comelec Manila against Toribio, the mayor alleged that his rival is hiding under the family name of her second husband to evade arrest as she has three pending warrants of arrest resulting from cases of estafa and violations of the anti-bouncing check law.
Last week, the lady mayoralty aspirant bared Molina’s “first wife” is ready to “bare all” during the campaign period to refute the incumbent mayor’s claims that he has annulled his marriage with his first wife.
Toribio disclosed some former employees in Molina’s company will be suing the mayor after they found out that their monthly deductions for SSS contributions were never remitted.
The mayor however said, Toribio “exaggerated” the SSS contribution issue against his company.
“It is absolutely not true that employees are due to file a case against me,” Molina asserted.
What took place, he said, “was only some sort of a miscommunication between my company and the personnel of the SSS with respect to the correct data of employees”.
Molina explained that at present, the problem had already been resolved and the SSS contribution is already paid and accepted by the SSS.
According to Molina, the marriage of Toribio with Zosimo G. Ordoñez on May 14, 1978 is not null and void.
In her explanation, Toribio said that such marriage is null and void per se because she was only 17 years of age at the time.
“Toribio is lying to the people because at 17, in the year 1978 at the time of her marriage with Ordoñez, she was legally allowed under the New Civil Code to enter into marriage” Molina said.
It is only in 1988 upon the effectivity of the Family Code that the marriageable age was changed to 18, he added.
Consequently, Molina argued, the second marriage of Toribio with FRANCISCO S. DELOS REYES on January 8, 2002 without first obtaining a court order declaring her first marriage with Ordoñez null and void, is bigamous.
“Toribio is not only criminally liable for bigamy but also for Falsification of Public Document for having declared as single when she applied for marriage license to enter into marriage with FRANCISCO S. DELOS REYES on January 8, 2002 in San Juan City, “Molina added. “Bigamy and Falsification of Public Document are public crimes upon which anybody can file complaints against Toribio not necessarily her husband Ordoñez,” Molina warned.
Molina said, he is not intimidated by the threat of Toribio that his first wife will campaign against him in his bid for reelection for an alleged bigamy. That issue had been known already when he ran for the first time as Mayor of Carmen in 2007, he said.
“Before entering into my second marriage with my present wife, I had obtained a declaration of nullity of my first marriage.” Molina said.
“The papers are with my wife and anyone may request for a photocopy,” the mayor dared.
Called to comment on Molina’s statement, Toribio said the mayor’s camp is resorting to “political harassment” after she got a good following during her consultations in the barangays.
“Molina sees that his reelection bid is seriously threatened. I feel sorry for him that he is more interested in my past life when I am more interested in serving the people of Carmen,” she said.
Supporting her allegations regarding former employees of the mayor who will be filing a case for non remittance of their SSS contributions, Toribio said they will surface in due time.
“With regards my first marriage, I consider it a premature marriage. If there are legal questions, my lawyer can handle that,” she added.
On the issue of several pending cases of estafa and violations of the bouncing check law against her, Toribio said these were already settled.
“I would not have this freedom to move around, presenting myself as a mayoralty candidate if warrants for my arrest are out,” she said.
Toribio disclosed that last week, two people were murdered in Carmen and until now, the case remains unsolved.
While police and military assigned in the town are on a manhunt, Toribio said, “The mayor is out of town for several days already. In fact, he is not in Bohol”.
Anti-reclamation group forged
Concerns raised by oppositors to the project have remained muted until the group organized into Panglaoanons Against Reclamation (Pare) last week.
“There is no need to add artificial islets through reclamation in Panglao. More than losing its stature as a renowned natural tourist attraction, hundreds of marine species found in the proposed reclamation site will be destroyed,” Dumaluan stressed.
Two proponents have signified interest in the reclamation project aiming to convert a huge portion of Panglao Bay into hectares of prime land that will become a center of commerce, resorts and coastal tourism activities.
If the project pushes through, it would be the biggest offshore reclamation in the country that would compete with world-class developments that are drawing tourists.
Of the two proponents, one is entering into a joint venture with the provincial government to organize a consortium of giant and reputable developers.
With the May elections drawing near, the proposal promises to be a hot issue in Panglao among reelectionist Mayor Benedicto Alcala and three other aspirants for the town’s top post.
But Dumaluan said he has no political agenda in waging war against the proponents of the project.
Unlike his opposition to the Panglao Bohol International Airport Development Project, Dumaluan cited marine researches showing the rich biodiversity around Panglao Island, including the planned site.
Project proponents have identified Panglao Bay as an ideal site for the reclamation since there are no marine sanctuaries in the area and its maximum water depth reaches only 0.4 meters during high tide.
Dumaluan however disagrees saying Panglao Island itself is considered as a center of biodiversity.
In 2007, a marine research team has found up to 250 new species of crustacean and 2,500 previously unknown species of mollusk around the island, the former mayor noted.
The team - composed of 80 scientists, technicians, students and volunteers from 19 countries - also gathered specimens previously regarded as rare to very rare, including those previously thought not to exist in the Philippines.
The discoveries are considered the most comprehensive survey of deep-sea invertebrates in the tropics.
The new discoveries were the product of the Panglao Marine Biodiversity Project, the most comprehensive survey of deep-sea invertebrates in the tropics conducted from 2004 to 2005.
The former mayor cited that holotypes of the rare and new species have found its way to the Philippine National Museum to be available to scientists worldwide.
“Scientists from other countries said that Panglao alone is higher in diversity compared to Japan and the Mediterranean,” he added.
Species found during the survey include crustacean - a group that includes crayfish, crabs, lobsters and shrimps - and some hundreds of species of mollusks
One of the proponents negotiating with the provincial government for a joint venture undertaking, Oasis Leisure Islands Development Inc. (OLIDI), however said that they will still come out with a detailed mapping of the proposed project site.
Norris Oculam, OLIDI president, explained to the Chronicle that issues raised by environmental groups and so-called oppositors are premature.
“We have learned that the other proponent already conducted boring tests in the area even without clearance from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), but as far as our group is concerned, we still have to make consultations with stakeholders,” he said.
Oculam said, after the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) authorized last week Gov. Erico Aumentado to enter into negotiations for a joint venture, their next step will be the environmental and social study.
“This will be our basis if the proposal is ‘a go or no go’, but right now, everything is in the drawing board,” he explained.
He added that the public should not be prejudiced with sweeping statements of self-styled environmentalist regarding possible destruction the project would inflict on marine life in the area.
Oculam’s group, backed by biologists and marine scientists, will map out and survey every single square meter of the area to obtain the real dimensions about its marine life.
“We have to see if there is actually biodiversity in the proposed site, identify the species, before making judgments. Right now, what we have heard so far from oppositors are highly speculative and doubtful.”
Oculam said the determinant factor is the outcome of the environmental study and its social acceptability.
LP: “Still anyone’s ballgame”
Perceived as a “third force” and weaker in terms of political infrastructure and machinery compared to the leading Lakas-Kampi-CMD and the other dominant opposition Nacionalista Party (NP), Liberals in the province led by gubernatorial bet actor Cesar Montano is looking at a big surge in the coming months.
“Montano may be trailing in polls against two rivals, Rep. Edgar Chatto (Lakas) and Vice Gov. Julius Caesar Herrera, but other independent surveys also shows him (Montano) posting a lead,” said former schools division superintendent Dr. Elpidio Jala, LP candidate for vice governor.
“It’s still anybody’s ballgame at this stage as we still have over two months before the start of the campaign,” Jala said.
In the campaign trail, Jala said Montano is expected to lure the young voters seeking a role model instead of trapos traditional politicians,” he said.
Jala, also relying on his ties with public school teachers, said the power struggle within Lakas is crucial for LP and NP candidates since some administration party bets may no longer toe the party line due to infighting among its members.
Although five are running for governor, Chatto, Herrera and Montano have a strong showing in radio surveys.
Jala said, he and Montano remains optimistic of their chances even with only 14 mayoral candidates out of 47 towns and Tagbilaran City.
Most of young voters, according to Jala, are already vigilant and will eventually make up their minds to support candidates who are not tainted with dirty politics.
“We hope to capture the youth votes. Our opponents may be endorsed by majority of incumbent mayors, but they are not the ones who can deliver the votes,” Jala continued.
While he may belong to the LP, Jala has the support of his brother and Lakas stalwart, former congressman Eladio Jala who is now a commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Meanwhile, incumbent third district solon, Rep. Adam Relson Jala was also heard in an interview over Station dyRD that he will be supporting his uncle, as any family member would do.
“Adam’s support would be a big boost and he could still persuade voters especially in the third district being the incumbent congressman,” Jala said.
Montano is a natural crowd drawer, according to Jala, being a popular movie actor and many young people would want to relate with him.